東京モーターショ2015のヤマハ出展モデルから、「コーナリングマスター」をコンセプトに生まれたLMWタイプのMWT-9(参考出品/試作車)とMOTOBOT Ver.1(技術展示))の画像をご紹介。MWT-9は、そのマッスルなスタイルがみどころ。MOTOBOTは世界的に研究開発が進んでいる自動運転技術のバイクにおける研究の一端と見ることができる。(以下、テキストはヤマハ発表資料より)
MWT-9 エムダブリュティ ナイン (参考出展車/試作車)
This Leaning Multi-Wheel (LMW) concept model proposes a new type of category in the realm of sport riding. Under a development concept of a “Cornering Master,” the MWT-9 mounts a 3-cylinder 850 cm3 engine on a seamless and dynamically styled body. The exceptional cornering performance provided by the twin front wheels and the bank angle maximized by the outward positioned front suspension forks enable a high level of performance that lets the rider go freely through twisty roads with ever-changing road surfaces and dotted with tight curves in succession.
■総排気量=849 cm3
MOTOBOT Ver.1 モトボット (技術展示 Technology exhibit)
This is an autonomous motorcycle-riding humanoid robot built around a fusion of Yamaha’s motorcycle and robotics technology. R&D is currently underway with the goal of developing the robot to ride an unmodified motorcycle on a racetrack at more than 200 km/h. The task of controlling the complex motions of a motorcycle at high speeds requires a variety of control systems that must function with a high degree of accuracy. We want to apply the fundamental technology and know-how gained in the process of this challenge to the creation of advanced rider safety and rider-support systems and put them to use in our current businesses, as well as using them to pioneer new lines of business.
【ヤマハ】 東京モーターショー2015 ヤマハブース展示車両ニュースはコチラ>>